FLORISSANT, Mo. (First Alert 4) – This trail through a Florissant backyard might seem minor, but the homeowner is fired up after she says a company buried a wire without permission.
“What the heck is that,” said Rether Powell.
That was Powell’s reaction when she saw a line through her backyard after some company buried a wire in Florissant.
“You don’t do that,. Right is right and wrong is wrong, and he was wrong,” said Powell.
According to Powell, there is an easement at the end of her backyard, so a line could have been drawn from there all the way between both backyards to the utility pole, but instead:
“He buried a line through my yard,” said Powell.
Powell mentioned both AT&T and Spectrum as possible culprits. Spectrum was even out there when First Alert 4 arrived, and a spokesperson later said they had nothing to do with the line. In fact, the worker said it connects to an AT&T hookup.
AT&T says they’re looking into the matter.
“I want them to take that line out of my yard and put it where it goes. It does not go across my yard,” said Powell.
While her backyard did get torn up a bit, Powell has other worries.
“I’ve been here 17 years. Water has never backed up to my driveway,” said Powell.
She says after work done by Spectrum in the spring near her backyard, she’s had consistent flooding in her backyard and driveway, saying the water bubbled up under her yard so badly it created a hole.
“I know it led to that hole,” said Powell.
Leading to fears the flooding could get worse.
“It might compromise my new furnace and my new water heater,” said Powell.
First Alert 4 initially only asked Spectrum about the line through Powell’s yard. A spokesperson said around 7 p.m. Tuesday that he’s unsure if the company had anything to do with the flooding issue.
We’re still waiting for more information from AT&T.
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