Property maintenance costs have soared by 26.24% since 2022 with the average UK landlord now spending £1,374.07 per year – an increase of £285, according to new research from Towergate Direct.
Edinburgh is cited as the most expensive city for maintenance, followed by Newcastle and Glasgow. Meanwhile, London, once the costliest city for landlords, has dropped to sixth place.
The most expensive repairs include roof damage which costs £906 on average (needed once every three years), electrical issues which cost around £665 annually (at least once a year) and heating problems which cost £655 annually (at least once a year).
As well as the financial pressures, landlords also increasingly face disputes with tenants over repair responsibilities. Nearly 60% of landlords have had disagreements with tenants over maintenance, according to the survey. This is up from 48.5% in 2022. The cost-of-living crisis and increasing rental prices have led to heightened expectations from tenants, further escalating these conflicts.
The increase in damage repair costs is also hitting landlords hard. The survey found that the average cost of repairing damage has skyrocketed by 121%, from £473 in 2022 to £1,043 in 2024. The most expensive causes of damage include theft damage costing £1,128 per year, with Southampton, Leeds, and Liverpool reporting the highest costs; fire damage which is the second costliest repair issue and heatwave damage which is increasingly becoming a financial concern for landlords.
Vulnerable to unforeseen damages
The report warns of the risk of landlords attempting DIY repairs to save money. More than half (53%) of UK landlords have attempted to fix property damage themselves, yet 43% regret it due to poor results, further damage, or tenant complaints. 46% of landlords who tried DIY solutions later had to pay professionals to redo the work, often at a higher cost.
The research also found a dramatic drop in uninsured landlords. In 2022, 20% of landlords lacked insurance, but in 2024, this has plummeted to just 3.8%. However, this still leaves over 100,000 landlords financially vulnerable to unforeseen damages.
Katie Delamain-Blunt, head of marketing at Towergate Direct, says: “There is no legal requirement for landlord insurance, but with repair costs rising and disputes increasing, it’s a critical safeguard. Landlord insurance can protect against financial losses from theft, fire, or weather damage, and even cover loss of rent. With the landscape of renting changing rapidly, ensuring you have the right policy in place is more important than ever.”